Friday, April 8, 2011

Mile High Agile 2011 - A Great Conference!

Yesterday (April 7, 2011) saw the beginning of what I sincerely hope becomes a long-standing tradition in the agile world -- Agile Denver's Mile High Agile 2011: Elevating Agility conference. The conference generated such interest that it actually sold out! As a conference organizer, it was my privilege to work with some of the finest people in the agile community, here or anywhere.

It was also my privilege to be a speaker at the conference. My session was very well attended (as were all of the sessions) and reviews were overwhelmingly positive. The title of my presentation was Agile Leadership for the Learning Organization. As promised to attendees of my session, a link to the presentation will live in the sidebar of my blog for a few weeks.

Moving from Train-wreck Management to Agile Leadership is a long and sometimes arduous journey, but the benefits are beyond question. The people who do the work -- and create the value -- gain motivation and permission to create startlingly innovative solutions to business problems. The organization as a whole gains focus, direction, and meaning. That combination offers 21st-century companies the best possible opportunity to succeed in the marketplace, earn greater profits, and provide employment for yet more creative, highly (self-) motivated people, in the virtuous cycle W. Edwards Deming identified.

I would like to offer a very special Thank You to Jean Tabaka, for participating in my session (yes!!) and for her thoughtful and thought-provoking feedback.

Until next year, keep on Elevating your Agility!

All for now....
